Loves the Show! - Tire Review Magazine

Loves the Show!

Kudos and hats off to TIA and TMC officials for combining efforts to produce a show venue for the commercial trucking and tire industries. The two go hand in hand. It has been much needed since the demise of the former NTDRA and ARA. I noted that there were a large number of retreaders and commercial tire dealers in attendance. Bridgestone was even showing a tire service truck on the show floor.

I spoke to several large fleet accounts who were appreciative of the fact that companies like ours and other members of TIA were displaying products and services that they depend on daily in their maintenance programs. As one attendee stated “next to fuel, tires and the servicing of the tire wheel assembly is our second largest expense".

I would hope that TIA and TMC will expand on this trade show venue in the future as it is a natural to both the tire and the trucking industry.

Michael Jordan
ESCO Corp.

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