Relearn Procedures for Popular 2008 Vehicles: Toyota Camry - Tire Review Magazine

Relearn Procedures for Popular 2008 Vehicles: Toyota Camry

A look at the relearn procedure for the 2008 Toyota Camry.


Over the last few months, we’ve focused on relearn procedures for the top-selling vehicles in 2008. Those included the 2008 Ford F-150 and 2008 Chevy Silverado. This month, we look at the 2008 Toyota Camry

Now, let’s dig into the proper relearn procedure for this vehicle. Before performing a relearn procedure, it is important to make sure the TPMS sensors are installed properly, and tires are inflated to placard pressure.

Relearns on the 2008 Camry

Type of TPMS System:Direct TPMS sensors are installed in the wheel

Type of OE Sensor:Pacific OE sensor (can be replaced with most aftermarket sensors)

Type of Relearn Procedure:OBD relearn, requires OBDII transfer

Type of TPMS Tool required for Relearn: TPMS scan tool with OBDII module or trigger tool combined with a scan tool that has TPMS transfer capabilities through the DLC.

OBD relearn (OBDII module is required)

  1. Hold TPMS tool on left front tire sidewall next to the valve stem.
  2. Repeat for the right front, right rear and left rear tires (and spare if required).
  3. Apply OBDII module to DLC.
  4. Turn ignition ON.
  5. Press OK on TPMS tool to transfer the TPMS sensor data to the vehicle’s ECU.
  6. Disconnect OBD module from the DLC.
  7. Turn ignition OFF then ON.
  8. Drive for at least five minutes at 12 mph or more.

TPMS reset button, closed loop:Some Toyota models have a “SET” or “TPMS RESET” button, which is located below the steering wheel or under the glovebox. When the button is pressed, the system tries to locate the sensor IDs that are already stored. The “SET button” can be used when performing a tire rotation that has different tire pressures in the front and rear, changing or adjusting the tire pressure, changing tire size or when tires are replaced.

If the “SET” button is pushed after new sensor IDs are introduced and before a relearn is performed, the ECU must be unlocked in order for the relearn procedure to work correctly. Some advanced TPMS scan tools have the capability to unlock the ECU. If your TPMS scan tool has the “UNLOCK ECU” option, the relearn procedure can be properly performed. TR

Sheila Stevens is with ATEQ TPMS, LLC, a global manufacturer of TPMS diagnostic tools and solutions. 

Check out the rest of the March digital edition of Tire Review here.

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