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Rocky Bleier to Speak at TIA OTR Conference

The Tire Industry Association announced former NFL player Rocky Bleier will speak at the 2017 OTR Conference. The former running back was a late round pick for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1968, but before he could finish his first season he was drafted into the United States Army. Serving in the Vietnam War, Bleier was

Ag Tires: Looking Ahead

Have you ever looked back at your high school yearbook? Look at yourself, all young and full of hope, maybe a little naïve about life. Look at that hair! Look at what you were wearing! What were you thinking? Don’t worry. I’m not singling you out. We were all there with you. In the ’70s,

Tyres International Founder Dies

Tyres International Inc. founder Thomas C. “TC” Johnson died on Sept.15, 2016. He was 93 years old. TC started his career in the tire industry in 1946 at Pennsylvania Rubber after serving as a first lieutenant in World War II. He later worked for Mohawk Rubber Co. as vice president sales for 12 years. In

Ag: A Story of Emotions, Volatility and Risk

Agriculture in 2016 is a story of intuition and data. For centuries, farmers have been successful in part by relying on their good intuition passed from generation to generation. Many farmers know when to plant, which crops will yield the most bushels per acre and the highest profits, and they trust their gut to know

2016 TIA Board Election Deadline Approaching

The voting period for the 2016 TIA Board of Directors election is coming to a close. By Sept. 1, 2016, TIA members with voting rights must submit their votes to elect four individuals to the TIA board for three-year terms. Nominees for TIA’s Board of Directors include: Bruce Besancon – Alliance Tire Americas, Inc., Wakefield,

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Welcome Club 3633

Charles Goodyear revolutionized the commercial rubber industry when he discovered vulcanization and filed patent U.S. 3633. The filing of this patent can be seen as a starting point for the modern tire industry. Throughout history others built upon Goodyear’s discovery: Robert W. Thompson, John Boyd Dunlop, André and Édouard Michelin, Frank Seiberling, Harvey Firestone and

DOC Releases Negative Preliminarily AD on Indian OTR Tires

Friday afternoon, the Department of Commerce issued a negative preliminary determination in the anti-dumping duty investigation of imports of certain new pneumatic OTR tires from India, finding that ATC Tires Private Ltd. and Balkrishna Industries Limited (BKT) had not sold tires in the U.S. at less than fair value. Due to the negative preliminary determination,

TIA Announces Candidates for 2016 Board Election

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) has released candidate information for the 2016 board of directors election and opened voting. The TIA membership will vote to elect four individuals onto the TIA board for three-year terms. The voting period ends Sept. 1, 2016, and results will be announced in mid-September. New board members will take office

DOC Releases Preliminary CVD on OTR Tires

Tuesday evening, the Department of Commerce announced its preliminary determinations in the countervailing duty investigations of imports of certain new pneumatic OTR tires from India and Sri Lanka. The DOC announced a preliminary subsidiary rate of 4.7% for Balkrishna Industries Limited (BKT) and 7.64% for ATC Tires Private Limited. All other tire producers and exporters

Super Support: Manufacturer and Dealer Marketing Programs

Dealers looking to assemble business support have their pick of tire manufacturer and dealer marketing groups. Here’s a rundown of the marketing programs that can provide dealerships superhero support. ATD Name of dealer program: ATDServiceBay Website: What the program offers: The ATDServiceBay program is grouped into “Bays,” similar to the way a tire dealer may