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12 Things (More or Less) That Seem to Fit Together

There is no magic for inspiration. Ideas for this column come when they come, and how they come. Sometimes (not often enough) in a blitz when 800 perfectly crafted words flow effortlessly from my fingertips. More often, the only thing flowing is sweat. The process isn’t pretty. People have a cinematic image in their minds

Genius of GM Reminds That Even Donuts Need Some Love

Does it surprise anyone that sometimes General Motors can’t seem to get out of its own way? It shouldn’t. Rising from the ashes of a massive crash-n-burn just a few years ago – and billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars – the new GM still hasn’t learned a little humility. An early May news release

Can Top Tire Brands Survive Constant Price Increases?

"If the majors think they can maintain their marketshare by brand name alone, I think they are mistaken." What do you think of that comment? Agree or disagree? Angry? Sur­prised? Unconcerned? Before you jump to conclusions and perhaps break out the sharp blades, let me set the table a little more. The statement came from

Court Verdict Will Forever Shine Bright Light on Tire Repair Practices

It can be frightening when people "justify" their actions, often positing their viewpoint with a sensationalized vigor.They are clearly right and Every­one else is wrong, or Somebody else got it all wrong, or it’s the Other Guy’s fault entirely. It is Everyone, Somebody or the Other Guy – often despite tons of contrary information. Thus

Out of Control Costs Leave Little-to-Wrangle Higher Tire Prices

At TIA’s annual OTR Confer­ence a few weeks ago, Shawn Rasey, president of Bridge­stone Americas’ OTR unit, delivered some sobering news. Painfully sobering to thousands of tire dealers of all denominations in all places – everywhere. "As I speak to you this morning," Rasey said, "the price of natural rubber has risen 92% in just

State of the Union: Industry Strong, Future Challenges Can Be Overcome

Mr. Chairman and ladies and gentlemen…The state of our industry is and remains strong. Despite heavy cost and economic pressures, unresolved regulation, self-inflicted over-saturation and our inability, in many cases, to act in concert for the greater good, the tire industry from top to bottom remains one of the most vital and robust in the

Whatever You Call It, It Can Turn Things Around

I don’t really know Joe Collier any more than I know any tire dealer. Spoke to him on the phone the other day when he called to say he appreciated my last column about momentum; one of several calls and e-mails I received on that same subject. Joe was different than the rest, though. The

Getting Over the Hump Just Takes Sustained Positives

Turn on any game – football, hockey, basketball, even soccer – and you will hear the word “momentum.” At least once, but often a hundred times. It’s almost like you’d expect to see a jersey with the name “Mo Mentum” on the back. “The Big Mo” is played by commentators as if it were some

Reflecting on Four Years’ Worth of ‘Top Shops’

Perhaps you’re surprised to see my face on this page instead of Editor Jim Smith’s. Well, you should be. It doesn’t happen often, but now and then I like to resurface in the pages of the magazine and offer a few pearls of wisdom. Also, I like to see if I still have it in

Use This Letter for All of Your Customers – If You Can Live Up to It!

safety, and surely none can claim the level of expertise that this store and its staff holds. Why? Simply put:This store is focused completely on tires and service, and nothing else. Ask yourself this:Do Iwant to purchase something this important to my well-being, and that of my family, from a place that doesn’t even specialize

Go Ahead and Wear It Out, It’s Your Issue

The stylized thumbprint on the stark front cover of this issue may seem an odd choice. But I can assure you the graphic selection was purely intentional. We could have gone a more traditional route with an altered photo or with cool icons as we have in past years. Perhaps a hand-drawn interpretation of the

Sell Used Tires If You Must, Just Know What You Don’t Know

I have never been a fan of dealers selling used tires. You’re not in the garage business, after all, and selling used only diminishes the value of the new products you rely on for long-term profitability. But I get it. Certain consumers can only do so much – especially now. A “good” used tire may