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Preparing Your Tire Shop for the Winter Season

Oldman Winter is starting to wake up. Before you know it, roads in many parts of the country will look more like skating rinks than areas to drive. While stocking up on winter tires may seem like the best option, things aren’t that simple. In this Tire Review Continental Tire Garage Studio video, we’ll go

Should You Re-Use Wheel Weights?

Imagine you’re replacing a customer’s tires. You have a little clip-on wheel weight in your hand you took off earlier and you think, “eh, seems alright, let’s just put it back on.” Well, this might be a mistake. Wheel weights might seem reusable and even inconsequential in the face of other parts, but you’ll be

Three Things to Keep Your Eye on in the New Year

Let’s face it: it’s harder to be an independent tire dealer today than in years past. That’s what longtime tire dealers we talk to—not only in interviews but also at ride-n-drives, on Johnny g & Friends and in What’s Treading episodes—tell us. From supply challenges to expanding tire sizes, the business has gotten complicated. And

Improve Your Business by Recognizing Employee Milestones

Technician shortages are affecting everybody. Even if you do hire someone right out of a technical school, there’s no guarantee that they will be high performers or have enough basic knowledge to do anything of use on the shop floor right away. With that being said, the shortage of new talent should make shop owners

Don’t Let Electrification Shock Your Shop

As a 50-year veteran of the tire industry, Ron Lautzenheiser is surprised at how many EVs his shops service. Believe it or not, he estimates that 5-10% of service across his four locations – two Big O Tires stores and two Grease Monkey stores in Fort Collins, Colorado—comes from EVs. While Ron has hopped on

Matching Your Customers with the Best Touring Tire

Picture this: You’ve prepared your list of symptoms and questions to ask the doc, but when the time comes to see them, they don’t seem to want to get to the bottom of your issues. Instead, they send you home with a prescription you’ve never heard of before. You pop two of those bad boys

Why You Shouldn’t Leave Right to Repair on the Back Burner

I want you to take yourself back to last week, in the kitchen making Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey is in the oven and every burner on the stovetop has a job to do. You’re timing everything perfectly… until your nose tells you otherwise. The beans on the back burner are burning! This is how Tom

Prioritizing Safety Can Give You a Competitive Advantage

You may have a shop in a state that has occupational guidelines for repair businesses. Of course, there are always the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (or OSHA) standards which are national safety standards developed specifically for workplace safety to prevent accidents or injuries to employees, customers and the vehicles you service. In today’s world,

How Performance Reviews Can Improve Your Shop

Before and after a film is released, movie critics get a chance to review some of the biggest blockbusters to give the general public an idea of how the movie performs. Most movie reviews are focused on what went right in the film and or how it can improve. The same goes for your employee

What Tire Treadwear Grades Mean for Your Customer

There are quite a few numbers and letters on a tire’s sidewall. Do you know what they all mean? Let’s dig into one of the lesser talked-about sidewall markings in this Tire Review Continental Tire Garage Studio video. Many tires are rated by the U.S. Government on treadwear, traction performance and temperature resistance. It’s called