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Another Twisted Tale

 We Americans love to twist the words we think we hear to suit our sensibilities.  Politicians understand this, which is why they speak in sound bites. American media does its part by clouding the facts of the news with buzzwords and hype, scaring instead of informing, stretching reality to suit what sells. "Must see" news

Handling an Issue

If you’re a car enthusiast, or at least spend some time reading the promotion- al material selling high performance passenger vehicles, it’s hard to miss the importance placed on tires and wheels in achieving outstanding cornering and crisp response. The tire contribution in what truly is a multi-faceted handling equation is further underscored weekly at

TIA President’s Agenda

Focused on ValueStrat Plan Will Help Industry, But TIA Needs Member SupportAs incoming president of the Tire Industry Association (TIA), I look forward to continuing TIA’s total focus on "adding value to your business."

Image is Everything

Building on last month’s coverage of store layouts and marketing ideas, this column will highlight several products that can enhance any retail store and offer your customers an appealing environment that not only looks great, but is highly functional, as well. Special events are a great way to generate some buzz, get your name out,

Roadmap to Success: Business Plans that Work

Building a Business Plan is Critical to Reaching Your Goals Some business plans start as odd scribbles on the back of a napkin, circles and arrows and boxes and code words jotted furiously by a suddenly inspired entrepreneur. Others are highly detailed, a thorough point-by-point plan carefully reasoned and annotated after weeks, months or even

Wet & Dry?

After Laboring in Europe, the R-1W Came to American Soil – With Success Multiple codes are used to define agricultural tires. R-1, R-1W, F-2, I-1 and HF-2 are commonplace in ag tire manufacturer, dealer and farmer circles. These codes are used to quickly explain which types of soils the tire should be used in (R-1,

What Drives Sizing

ition of rim diameters, profiles, widths or even tire appearance in some time. While attending a recent auto show, the wide variety of new tire sizes was impressive. As you might expect, futuristic concept cars, SUVs, and light duty pickups provided the most expansive array of new tire designs and sizes. Aggressive, macho and rugged

Checkoff Gets Legs

Taking a page from the dairy, beef and home heating oil industries, the tire industry may soon have its own multi-million dollar national consumer education campaign promoting the value of tires and importance of tire maintenance.

Getting it Right: TCI’s Careful Selection of Dealers and Program Offerings is Paying Off

David Snyder, vice president of small tire marketing and sales, has been with Tire Centers LLC (TCI) since the company was formed in January 1986. Back then, TCI was focused on the commercial side of the industry – garnering less than 10% of its overall business from the retail side. All of that changed, however,

Industry Report

RMA Asks NHTSA For Internet OptionLooking to increase the number of tires being registered, the RMA has asked NHTSA for formal permission to allow tire buyers to register to tires via tiremaker Web sites. Allowing "additional, easier choices" would enhance NHTSA’s ability to notify owners in the event of a safety problem with their tires.