Mark Claypool, Author at Tire Review Magazine

If you own the rights to a domain (i.e., you have likely received emails from your domain name hosting service (GoDaddy, Network Solutions, HostGator, etc.) regarding the non-profit organization known as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Whoa! That’s quite a name, so they’ve shortened it to ICANN. Ever since the Internet

Mobile-Friendly Sites: More Important Than Ever

How many of you remember the 1970s TV commercial for the stock brokerage firm E.F. Hutton? In a busy restaurant, an actor says to the person across the table from him, “My broker is E.F. Hutton, and E.F. Hutton says…” As he says that, everyone in the room drops what they were doing, stops talking

Web Presence Management: Video Is Where It’s At

If you truly plan on having an effective presence with your website and social media, video cannot be ignored. As reported in January 2015, video watching online has grown 7,000% since 2006. I covered video production in my workshop in July 2015 and at the SEMA in November 2015. Now, I’ll share some reasons why

Free Or Cheap Websites Help Competitors Eat Your Lunch

Pick your cliché. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. You get what you pay for. When it comes to web-hosting and website creation, there is a lot of advertising and marketing pushing free services or services that are so inexpensive that they aren’t representative of the true marketplace. These are often

Specs for Social Media Accounts

By now, we should be well past the things I heard as recently as two years ago: “Social media is just a fad,” “No one will follow a tire dealership on Facebook,” and “I don’t care what you had for dinner, and I’m sure you don’t care where my wife and I went for the

Specs for Social Media Accounts

By now, we should be well past the things I heard as recently as two years ago: “Social media is just a fad”, “No one will follow a tire dealership on Facebook,” and “I don’t care what you had for dinner, and I’m sure you don’t care where my wife and I went for the weekend

Free or Cheap Websites Aren’t Your Best Bet

Pick your cliché. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. You get what you pay for. There are lots of advertising and marketing efforts out there that are pushing free services, or services that are so inexpensive that they aren’t representative of the true marketplace. These are often efforts to lure you

Nobody Cares!

All the things that you feel make your business special most likely make you an indistinguishable tree in a forest. Just ask Mike Anderson, owner of CollisionAdvice. He routinely conducts an exercise in his sales and marketing best practices workshop where he passes out sticky notes and asks the audience to write down the three

Free or Cheap Websites Aren’t Your Best Bet

Pick your cliché. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. You get what you pay for. There are lots of advertising and marketing efforts out there that are pushing free services, or services that are so inexpensive that they aren’t representative of the true marketplace. These are often efforts to lure you

Cybersecurity For Your Auto Repair Business

Password: fluffy1234. One of our clients asked us to use this for setting up his email, telling us it was the name of his wife’s cat. “Admin” was another client’s request for a username, and he wanted his password to be 1234. Nope! No way, no how! We vigorously refuse to put unsecure passwords in

Google Is Not Calling

I’m Anthony. I work for a telemarketing company and spend my days calling small businesses and selling them things they really don’t need. And boy…I’m good at it! Commission sales really motivates me, and that’s how my company operates. If I don’t sell, I don’t eat. Let me tell you, I eat very well, drive

It Only Takes A Moment To Destroy Your Reputation

You’ve worked hard to earn your business’ good name and the reputation you’ve built in your community. Word of mouth is one of your greatest referral sources. Whether you’ve been in business for months, years or decades, your reputation hangs in the balance. One scathing online review and your sterling reputation could be tarnished at